What to Know Before a Dermaplaning Treatment
Interested in learning more about the revolutionary hair removal technique called dermaplaning? This cosmetic treatment option can help your skin look smoother, brighter, and tighter after just one session. Here’s everything you need to know before you head to your dermatology provider for a dermaplaning treatment.
Dermaplaning Technique
Exfoliation is a vital part of a high-quality skin care routine. That said, there are many different types and techniques in the world of exfoliation. One method that combines hair removal with manual exfoliation is called dermaplaning, and it’s a fantastic option for anyone looking to up their anti-aging game.
Dermaplaning treatments involve the use of a specialized tool called a dermatome, which is similar to an electric razor or a finely edged scalpel. During the treatment, the dermatology provider gently and carefully moves the selected tool across the skin. This removes the tiny hairs known as vellus hairs, commonly called “peach fuzz.” It also removes two to three weeks’ worth of dead skin cells!
Dermaplaning Candidates
Dermaplaning can greatly benefit a wide variety of people – especially those who are looking to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, treat acne breakouts, minimize the effects of scarring, and even out their skin tone. Anyone who’s feeling particularly concerned about the color of their vellus hair (darker hairs can commonly show up on the chin, cheeks, and upper lip) can also use this treatment to give their self confidence a boost.
Because the treatment is a method of manual exfoliation, it’s not necessarily optimal for everyone. Those with inflammatory skin conditions like eczema or rosacea are smart to avoid or limit dermaplaning treatments.
Dermaplaning Effectiveness
While no cosmetic treatments are quite as effective at battling signs of aging as injectables or surgery, dermaplaning is an excellent non-invasive option for minimizing fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring. Plus, by revealing the fresh skin below, dermaplaning can make your skin tone appear brighter and more youthful in just one session.
Typically, it’s recommended for patients to receive a dermaplaning treatment roughly once per month for optimal results. Each treatments costs roughly $150 to $250 and is not covered by insurance.
Dermaplaning Side Effects
Fortunately, dermaplaning has minimal – if any – side effects. The cosmetic procedure only takes 30 minutes and requires zero downtime, making it a great option for the busiest folks constantly on the go. Irritation is not a common after-effect, but if some minor redness does occur, this usually clears up within a few hours to a day after treatment.
Occasionally, some mild swelling might take place after a dermaplaning treatment, but this should also disappear within two days at most. People who receive a dermaplaning treatment can reduce their risks of irritation by avoiding any type of manual or chemical exfoliation for three to five days prior to their appointment. It’s also important to note that dermaplaning aftercare involves the application of SPF 30 or above to protect the newly exposed skin cells.
Contact Vanguard Dermatology
If you’re located in the greater New York City area and want to learn more about how dermaplaning could benefit your skin, contact Vanguard Dermatology today for an appointment with one of our board-certified specialists. We will determine whether you’re a good candidate for dermaplaning and can perform this cosmetic treatment in our offices.